Four Ways We Can Learn From Pausing

In our fast-paced world, filled with constant activity and noise, the concept of pausing may seem counterintuitive. We often find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle, always striving for the next achievement or milestone. However, there is great value in taking a step back, hitting the pause button, and reflecting on our lives. Let’s explore four ways we can learn from pausing and how it can positively impact our spiritual growth and overall well-being.

1. Staying Reliant on God

The story of David in the Bible provides us with a powerful example of the importance of pausing to stay reliant on God. When Samuel anointed David as the future king of Israel, David didn't immediately jump into action. Instead, he returned to tending his sheep, faithfully continuing the work God had entrusted to him. This act of pausing allowed David to remain connected to God and His plans for him.

Pausing enables us to surrender our own will and align ourselves with God's purpose. It is a way for us to acknowledge that we are not in control and to seek guidance and direction from God. Just as Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us, God has plans to prosper us and give us hope and a future. By pausing and staying reliant on God, we open ourselves up to His leading and guidance in our lives.

2. Cultivating Spiritual Practices

Pausing is not just a momentary break from activity; it is also a powerful spiritual practice. In Colossians 3:23-24, we are reminded to work at everything with all our hearts, as if we are working for the Lord. This verse speaks to the importance of incorporating spiritual practices into every aspect of our lives.

When we pause and intentionally bring our focus back to God, we create space for spiritual growth. This can be done through prayer, meditation, studying scripture, or engaging in acts of service. By making pausing a regular part of our routine, we cultivate a deeper connection with God and strengthen our faith.

3. Considering the Righteous Choice

Pausing gives us the opportunity to consider the righteous choice in any given situation. Like David, we often face moments where we are tempted to make decisions based on our own desires or the opinions of others. However, by pausing and seeking God's wisdom, we can discern the righteous path.

Ephesians 4:31-32 reminds us to get rid of bitterness, anger, and malice, and instead, be kind and compassionate towards one another. Pausing allows us to evaluate our actions and attitudes, ensuring that we are aligning ourselves with God's principles of love, forgiveness, and grace.

In moments of chaos and confusion, pausing helps us avoid impulsive reactions and instead make choices that honor God and reflect His character. It is through this intentional pause that we can choose the righteous path, even when it may not be the easiest or most popular choice.

4. Allowing the Holy Spirit to Transform our Hearts

Just as David experienced, we, too, can find ourselves falling into sin and pride. However, pausing provides us with an opportunity to step back, reflect, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts.

When we pause and create space for God to work in our lives, we invite His Spirit to convict us, guide us, and bring about change. It is in these moments of pause that we can seek repentance, receive forgiveness, and experience the transforming power of God's love.

David's life serves as a reminder that even when we mess up, pausing and seeking God's forgiveness can restore us and set us back on the right path. It is through pausing that we give permission to the Holy Spirit to change our hearts and mold us into the image of Christ.


In a world that values constant busyness and productivity, pausing may seem counterproductive. However, as we have seen, pausing is essential for our spiritual growth and overall well-being. By staying reliant on God, cultivating spiritual practices, considering the righteous choice, and allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts, we can learn valuable lessons from pausing.

Let us embrace the power of pause and make it a regular part of our lives. In doing so, we open ourselves up to deeper intimacy with God, greater discernment, and a transformed heart. May we find the strength to hit the pause button, even in the midst of chaos, and allow God to work in and through us.

